Could You Survive A Day In High School? Answer These Questions To Find Out

Could You Survive A Day In High School? Answer These Questions To Find Out

Throughout the years, high school has always been a place of pretty tumultuous emotions. The fashions might change, as do the snacks brought in for lunch and the lunchboxes they are carried in, but the emotions stay pretty much the same.

If you're popular, there's the struggle to maintain your position at the top of the hierarchy, or to painfully work your way up if you're almost there. If you're somewhere in the middle, every day is a quest to keep your head down and be noticed as little as possible, and to stay in the little protective bubble you've managed to create. If your position is on one of the lower rungs of the ladder, then chances are your memories of high school aren't exactly positive ones.

The question is, if you could go back and do high school all over again, would you survive? Would you suddenly find yourself at the top of the social ladder, eating peeled grapes and getting every party invitation going? Or have you gone from a queen bee to a wallflower, and now can only hope to skate by and keep yourself to yourself? Are you a former nerd with aspirations of being prom king, or a person who used to blend in but now can't help but stand out?

If you're not afraid to find out, then take this quiz and try to make it through a whole day of high school stresses and scenarios. Let's see if you spend it ruling the school, or just waiting for the final bell to ring!

About this quiz

Throughout the years, high school has always been a place of pretty tumultuous emotions. The fashions might change, as do the snacks brought in for lunch and the lunchboxes they are carried in, but the emotions stay pretty much the same.

If you're popular, there's the struggle to maintain your position at the top of the hierarchy, or to painfully work your way up if you're almost there. If you're somewhere in the middle, every day is a quest to keep your head down and be noticed as little as possible, and to stay in the little protective bubble you've managed to create. If your position is on one of the lower rungs of the ladder, then chances are your memories of high school aren't exactly positive ones.

The question is, if you could go back and do high school all over again, would you survive? Would you suddenly find yourself at the top of the social ladder, eating peeled grapes and getting every party invitation going? Or have you gone from a queen bee to a wallflower, and now can only hope to skate by and keep yourself to yourself? Are you a former nerd with aspirations of being prom king, or a person who used to blend in but now can't help but stand out?

If you're not afraid to find out, then take this quiz and try to make it through a whole day of high school stresses and scenarios. Let's see if you spend it ruling the school, or just waiting for the final bell to ring!

About Eighties Kids

Founded in 2016, Eighties Kids started small. Beginning as a blog posting on 80s and 90s life as well as the movies, music and television of the era, Eighties Kids has in a short space of time exploded in scope and ambition. Operating out of Eighties Kids HQ in sunny Ilkley, in the North of England, today a growing team of writers produces original content day in and day out for one of the best new nostalgia sites on the web.

With the site also growing beyond its original remit, the Eighties Kids team now covers not just trivia from the 80s and 90s, but pop culture of all decades that's of interest to children of the 80s, 90s and beyond. From shocking and obscure fact posts on your favourite movies and bands, to quizzes on classic TV shows and film franchises, to picture galleries on celebrities from past and present, Eighties Kids is here to take you down memory lane, test your knowledge of classic pop culture and maybe even occasionally blow your mind.

How to Play

Answering a question, correctly or otherwise, will allow you to progress to the next one; just scroll down and you'll see another question light up and become playable. Keep in mind though: all correct and incorrect answers will be tallied for a final score, which will be revealed to you only once you've answered each and every question in the quiz. Play down the page to the end to find out just how knowledgeable you are in your chosen subject.