If you grew up anywhere near the 80s I’m pretty sure that you watched Ghostbusters II! If you didn’t I feel sorry for your meaningless existence on earth at that time. Regardless you have to see baby Oscar and how he has grown up so much since then! Check him out!
Here is baby Oscar with his mom Sigourney Weaver.
Wow, even Weaver looks so young in this movie!
Image SourceOscar was played by twins Will Deutschendorf and Hank Deutschendorf.
I bet you had no idea!
Image SourceHere is Hank Deutschendorf now:
Image Source
There’s more on the next page…
Here is his twin brother Will Deutschendorf:
Image SourceThey celebrate their 21st birthday a few years back!
Happy birthday Oscar(s)!
Image SourceBut seriously how did these guys grow up so fast?
Oh wait, it has already been 27 years!
Image Source