One, Two, Three and Away was a series of books for children written by Sheila K. McCullagh, illustrated by Ferelith Eccles Williams and published by Collins in the 1960s–80s. Characters included: Roger Red Hat, Billy Blue Hat, twins Johnny and Jennifer Yellow Hat and Percy Green.
The books were written at a number of levels of increasing difficulty for those learning to read. If you grew up in the 80s at all you will definitely remember these books! Check them out!
1. Roger Red-Hat
2. The Village With Three Corners
Who remembers reading this one?
3. Percy Green
I actually remember my mum reading this one with me!
4. Mrs. Blue-Hat And The Little Brown Mouse
This was such a cute story.
5. Jennifer Yellow-Hat Went Out In The Sunshine.
I reckon this one was my sister’s favourite one.
6. Roger An
7. The Little Yellow Cat And The Little Brown Mouse
I would imagine this happening in our house. But we didn’t actually have a cat!
8. Billy Blue Hat And The Duck Pond
Remember when Billy fell into the pond?
9. Johnny And Jennifer Yellow Hat
I wanted to be just like them!
10. Billy Blue-Hat’s Day
Oh, I wanted to have a horse so bad!