These days, going outside feels like a chore instead of a blast like it was back then. We didn’t have all of the distractions indoors like we do today (internet, cable etc.) and so we made up a lot of fun things to do. We were good at occupying our time and it feels like we had a great childhood because of it! Here is a list of things that we did outdoors.

1. Tadpoles.

We caught tadpoles in the neighborhood creek. They looked like little fish.

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2. Rolling Down Hills.

This occupied much of our time and it was sometimes scary when we were going too fast!


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3. Drinking From The Hose.

I doubt that kids today ever spend enough time outside to get thirsty. We did and so we drank from the hose instead of running inside for a glass of water.


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4. Riding Bikes.

This was how we got around, even until dark.


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5. Jump Rope.

This was great exercise but back then, it was just something fun to do.


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6. Red Light – Green Light.

We lined up and waited to hear the words, “green light”, then we would run as fast as we could until someone said “red light”. Whoever got to the end first, won.


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7. Mud Pies.

Kids today must think we are so primitive when we say that we actually did this!


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8. Hide And Seek.

This was the ultimate game. It was a lot of fun!


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9. Jungle Gym.

There were lots of playgrounds to go to and if you were brave enough, you would tackle this!


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10. Foursquare.

This was a game that was mostly played at school during recess.


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11. Hopscotch.

Drawing these on the ground was an easy way to spend hours of fun.


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12. Croquet.

Most of us had this set somewhere on the property. It was a fun game.


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13. Tether Ball.

You either had this at school but some of us even had this at home.


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