Growing up we had a lot of awesome things that we hold dear to our hearts even til today. Then there was the bedding sets that we loved so much then but would never ever use them today. Do you remember all of these bed sets?

1. Care Bears

I sure remember this one!

Bedding 1

2. The A-Team

Every boy wanted this set in their room!


Bedding 2

3. Victoria Thumb

Oh how I wish I still had this set for my daughter.

Bedding 3

4. Thundercats

All the cool kids had this set.


Bedding 4

5. Star Wars

A timeless classic!


Bedding 5

6. Snatch The Dog

I wonder if you can still find this one today?

Bedding 6

7. She-Ra

This one was a great one!


Bedding 7

8. Rainbow Brite

We sure loved this character back them!


Bedding 8

9. Pierrot

Bedding 9

10. Masters Of The Universe

Such a great set!


Bedding 10